Here we discuss how to use Shortcut keys to Merge Cells in Excel and its limitations, along with practical examples and downloadable excel template. This has been a guide to Shortcut Keys to Merge Cells in Excel. Merged raw data will cause a lot of problems.If you are merging two cells together, then it will take out the right-hand side of the data and retain only the left-hand side portion of the data.Note: The above two methods can be applied successfully when there is no freeze pane in the worksheet, if there is freeze pane. Then press Enter key, and now, when you click this range name from the Name box, it will go back to cell A1 from anywhere of the worksheet. ALT + H + M + U is the shortcut key to unmerge cells in excel. Click cell A1, and enter a range name into the Name Box, see screenshot: 2.ALT + H + M + M is the shortcut key to merge cells in excel.Things to Remember about Shortcut Keys to Merge Cells in Excel I have selected the entire worksheet and will press ALT + H + M + U. If you want to unmerge a portion of the worksheet, select that portion or else if you want to unmerge all the merged cells in the worksheet, then select the entire worksheet. Like how we have merged cells, similarly, we can unmerge cells too. Unmerge Cell by Using Excel Short Cut Key

Limitation 2: If you want to merge the first name and last together, it will take out the right-hand side of the data and retain only the left side of the data. If you press Ctrl + Space, it will select all the merged area columns altogether.

Now, if I want to select one particular row in this merged area, I cannot use the shortcut key. Limitation 1: Merged cells have more disadvantages than their advantages. Unmerge Cells: This will remove all the merged cells to make the value allocated to one cell.Merge Cells: This will also merge the cell and make alignment left alignment.Merge Across: This will merge the cell and make alignment left alignment.Merge & Centre: This will merge the cells and make the alignment center.Under the merge option, we have four things. Wrap Text, left alignment, right alignment. Under alignment, we have different alignment options. Your final report should look like the below one. Now do the same thing for the remaining year as well. It will recall the previous action you performed in the previous action. Now you need not to do the merge for all the remaining years rather, you can just select one more year and press the F4 function key. Now, look at the year on Target vs the Actual report. Now press the shortcut key ALT + H + M + M. In this case, I want to merge YEAR main heading from cell B1 to E1. Select the number of cells you want to merge.